Welcome to MASTERMIND 90-Day Coaching Experience!  A Leadership Series for Women!

Join Cheryl and Maggie for this REAL and RAW 90-DAY COACHING EXPERIENCE! 

If you are a Christian women who desires to carry Godly influence- this series is for you!  If you are a woman  in leadership for several years or if you are just emerging as a leader- this unique and powerful series is for you!

This COACHING Series is packed with REVELATORY insights, wisdom, and spiritual KEYS to support, strengthen and activate you in your journey!

God is raising up an ARMY of WOMEN across the Nations! Come and join this COMMUNITY of women as we dive deep into ALL THINGS LEADERSHIP which highlights our many roles, relationships and responsibilities. 

This SERIES has the power to LAUNCH you into new territory while  BREAKING you free from your last season!

Receive Key Insights for Leadership! 

Learn to Lead without Striving

Discover ways to Lead with Confidence and Authority 

Avoid Pitfalls and Detours in your Leadership Journey!

Prophetic and Powerful!

Walk like a DAUGHTER! 

Get Activated with Regular Calls to Action! 

Receive Prayer, Prophecy and Impartation! 

Be part of a Leadership COMMUNITY that supports and strengthens one another!


Cheryl Weber Bio

Cheryl Weber: A Leader in Media, Activism and Global Change

Cheryl has been a prominent figure in media for over two decades, serving as a TV host, international speaker, and humanitarian. Her dedication to transformation and global change has been a driving force throughout her career.

Currently, she is the co-host of the popular show "100 Huntley Street" and the Director of Crossroads Cares Relief and Development.

Cheryl's passion for justice and poverty alleviation has taken her around the globe, from the top of Mount Kilimanjaro to some of the most desperate places on the planet. 

Cheryl's activism has been recognized with multiple awards, including the Woman of Excellence Award for Raising Global Awareness, and the International Women Achievers’ Media Award. She also serves on the boards of organizations that support programs to help women who have been trafficked in the sex trade in Cambodia, and to break the cycle of poverty for people in Northern Ghana.

Cheryl has been named as one of the top 100 female Christian women in Canada, and her work continues to inspire change on a global scale.


Maggie Baratto Bio

Maggie Baratto: A Leader in the Apostolic and Prophetic Ministry of the Church 

Maggie has been a source of inspiration and leadership for the body of Christ for over a decade. She embodies the Father's heart through Father's Heart Healing Ministries (FHHM) which she founded in 2011. Maggie is the Director for the Healing Rooms throughout Canada, and leads a variety of ministries under the umbrella of FHHM; including Intensive Care, Canadian Women of Destiny, The ROAR, Global ROAR Room, Beauty for Ashes Transformation House (BATH), and Oil of Joy Transitional Housing which provides safe housing and programming for women exiting human trafficking, the sex trade and addiction.

As an international speaker, Maggie has travelled to unlikely places including the high Arctic, and the City of Jerusalem to release the ROAR of the Lord. She has authored several books and her recent book The ROAR: Jerusalem become an Amazon Best Seller. 

In 2022, the Lord led Maggie to establish Thrive Leadership Academy, a Coaching Business to strengthen, equip and mobilize the body of Christ into their identity and destiny. 

Her transformational journey from a life of rebellion, abuse and despair is a powerful testament to the Father's goodness and kindness. Maggie is married to Eddie, has five children and three grandchildren.