Maggie Baratto


For over a decade, Maggie has led and inspired the body of Christ to step into new territory through her Prophetic gifting and Apostolic leadership. She demonstrates the Father’s heart through numerous initiatives at Father’s Heart Healing Ministries (FHHM) including Director for Healing Rooms across Canada, Intensive Care Ministry, the ROAR and founder of Beauty for Ashes Transformation House (BATH) and Oil of Joy Transitional Housing, a safe house for women exiting human trafficking, the sex trade and addiction. 

As an anointed speaker and author, Maggie has written several books, conducts trainings, and ministers on  various platforms that have ranged from rural Ontario to the high Arctic, and the Holy City of Jerusalem.

Maggie is a dynamic speaker who has overcome many obstacles and fears to become a respected leader in the body of Christ.

After leaving home at the age of 15 and living a lifestyle of rebellion and abuse, the Lord showed up in an unexpected and miraculous was in Maggie's life; rescuing her from brokenness and despair. Over many years, He has healed and transformed her heart and life, with His kindness and love. 

Her story will both inspire and challenge you to pursue your dreams, trust in the Lord and obey Him, despite overwhelming challenges!

In addition to leading FHHM, God called Maggie to open Thrive Leadership Academy in 2022 as a marketplace initiative to equip, train, and mobilize Christians through coaching, consulting and teaching. She provides various Coaching programs including a 90 Day 1:1 Breakthrough Coaching program that empowers women to break free from insecurity, striving and feeling stuck, so they can get the clarity and confidence needed to step into their purpose! 

She lives in Arthur, Ontario, Canada, is married with 5 children and 3 grandchildren.

You can view Maggie's ministry website Father's Heart Healing Ministries @ 

Here are the reasons you can depend on Maggie Baratto to help you be free from insecurity, striving, and feeling stuck:

  • REPUTABLE – Maggie founded Father's Heart Healing Ministries in 2011. She is a respected leader in her field and community.
  • EXPERIENCED – AT Thrive Leadership Academy, we are grateful and honoured to serve the body of Christ.
  • INTEGRITY – Building a reputation of integrity takes years, but it takes only a second to lose. We don’t believe in cutting corners. The foundation of our reputation is our commitment to do the right thing at all times, regardless of whether anyone is watching.
  • CUSTOMIZABLE – All of our curriculum can be customized to specifically address your individual and organizational needs.
  • SATISFACTION GUARANTEE –  At Thrive Leadership Academy, we want you to be completely satisfied with our services. We will do what it takes to make you happy. No hassles, no problems.

Download your FREE GIFT NOW!

From Stuck to Awe-Struck! Revelatory Insights to Help Launch you into New Territory by Maggie Baratto

This eBook is one of Maggie's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this ebook, you will learn how to:

  • Receive 5 Insights to shift and lift you into a new mindset!
  • Get fresh vision today!
  • Step into a new narrative for your life!


TESTIMONY: WOW these last few months have been incredible!

I'M A NEW WOMAN, set free and ready to go! 

I have felt like a caged bird trapped for years but now THAT CAGED DOOR HAS BEEN OPENED and I can fly and I CAN TRULY BE THE ME  that God created me to be and allow the Lord to flow through me!

It's amazing in just a few months of 1:1 Coaching with Maggie how free I am, ready to take on the next steps in my life. I am no longer held back by the lies of my past and fears of my future! This experience has helped me to trust the Lord on a new level and feel confident in allowing Him to fulfill His purpose through me! 

 Maggie is a dynamic woman of God, her loving and gentle way of speaking God's truth-filled insights and revelations inspired by Holy Spirit will set you free, encourage and direct you on the path that is unique to you!

Connie F.


TESTIMONY: Maggie's unique anointing and depth of the Father's Heart touched my heart to personally seek Him more and pushed me into knowing Him more and seeing myself as He sees me. It challenged me TO STOP COMPARING MYSELF to others and speak the weekly focus scriptures over my life! 

Christine B.


TESTIMONY: If you're hungry for God, if you feel like you've lost your passion to seek after God, or if you feel like you're stuck in the muck and mire of your cIrcumstances, then by all means, make the commitment to participate in this series! 

Jan S.

TESTIMONY for 1:1 Coaching: I came to Maggie at a point in my journey where I was in the birth canal and she was like a spiritual midwife. I had come to realize that I was not thriving but rather just surviving in most, if not all, areas of my life.

I just felt stuck! I knew that I was created for greatness and that God has a good plan for my life but somehow I have not been able to step into it.

Love produces courage and I felt so loved by Maggie that courage began to rise up in my heart to be able to face the orphan mindset in myself that didn’t want to grow up and own my life. I’ve come to realize that no one, not even Maggie, can do this for me. She helped me to see that I do not value myself the way that God values me and gave me tools to change that way of thinking.

We started out our time together with the verse from Romans 12 that speaks about a total transformation of our minds and that I was like a car getting a total overhaul of the transmission. After the 3- months, I can see the shift in my thinking, I can see greater self-awareness and I can also see that I feel more loved by my Heavenly Father.  

Spending this time & investment with Maggie was worth it and I am only just beginning to see the fruit from it! 

Kim P.

TESTIMONY: My experience was amazing! I have a closer walk with the Holy Spirit! 

Sharon G.


TESTIMONY for 1:1 Coaching:I have experienced so much breakthrough in my life since doing the 1:1 Coaching with Maggie. I have been SET FREE feeling stuck, weighted down and feeling like my life was going nowhere. I started to feel hope within the first couple sessions and I feel like I have a new beginning! It was worth the investment! 



TESTIMONY for Group Coaching: I had a wonderful experience and received a significant breakthrough that prepared me to walk through an open door into my next season, plans and purposes for 2023. I came away feeling more confident in knowing that I hear from the Lord and that God will continue to use me to advance His Kingdom here on Earth. It was reset in my confidence as a leader as well as gave me valuable tools to use as a leader moving forward. It connected me with some lovely ladies that encouraged me and also that I learned many nuggets from as well. A blessing indeed and Maggie is a wonderful teacher and will help pivot you into your calling.

Rhonda F. 


TESTIMONY- I experienced a lot of inner healing during the sessions and I have received healing for rejection. I feel like I have a NEW LEASE on life! I believe I was made to THRIVE! I am so glad I signed up with Maggie.


TESTIMONY: My relationship with my husband changed drastically after 32 years of marriage. He became unfaithful, and emotionally and physically abusive. The rejection, the loss and the trauma was so great that I was deeply saddened, lacking sleep and energy just to get through the day. 

Maggie was so kind and gracious to listen to every detail of my very sad story. Not too many people were willing to do so. Her assignments helped me to dive into God's word, giving me the strength to write out and to sort out a lot of my emotions. Maggie's kind words of encouragement and prayers helped me through. Most comforting to me was Maggie's gift of discernment and direction from the Lord. 

Shirley F.

TESTIMONY for 1:1 Coaching: Maggie's online presence and input in my life was empowering, encouraging and educational! I feel closer to the one who knows, made and loves me. I was TRULY BLESSED by this divinely, timely appointment! I would recommend 1:1 Coaching with Maggie to other women, especially if you are pioneering a new adventure. 

Donna B.


TESTIMONY: The recent passing of my husband left me wondering what my purpose was. I knew God had a plan for this new phase of my existence but what was His vision for my life? Where do I go from here? 

Through Maggie’s insight, the other ladies challenges and sound biblical teaching, the Father has confirmed my calling, demolished roadblocks, and opened greater opportunities for ministry. I’m 78 - going strong! I am looking forward to, anticipating the challenges, and all that the Father wants to do with my life. Surrender isn’t easy but it will be worthwhile to Thrive in His Hive. Thank you Maggie

Donna W.

TESTIMONY: I was having a Coaching session with Maggie. She was praying shock and trauma off of me, when  suddenly, I felt something different about my neck. It felt very light… It's hard to explain as I have felt pressure around my neck, all my life and I had breathing issues as a result. I thought it was normal.

When Maggie was praying, I could LITERALLY feel the pressure leave my neck. I was shocked as my neck felt so different.

I kept touching my neck to see what was happening as it felt so light! It felt like somebody cut the rope away from my neck. It brought tears to my eyes as the pressure I felt for years was gone. I lived with this thing for years not knowing it wasn’t normal. Today the pressure is still gone. My neck is still light, and the rope was cut. I'M FREE! Praise the Lord!


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